In the driver's seat with Amanda

Welcome back to our In the Driver's Seat series, featuring our very own GeniePoint customer!

Over the last few weeks, we've been sharing hints and tips for new EV drivers from the EV community. We thought it was only fitting to speak to a new EV driver in our Driver's Seat series, so for this post, we spoke to Amanda, who is new to the world of EV! Amanda currently drives a hybrid, but as she is loving it so much, she'll be switching to a pure EV as soon as she can.


What EV do you drive and how long have you had it?

I have a Ford Kuga plug in Hybrid and have had it for a couple of months.


Were there any pre-conceptions you had before you bought your EV, and how do you feel about that now?

With having no off street parking for charging at home, and living in a small town with next to no public chargers I was very worried about charging. It is ultimately why I have, for the interim opted for a Hybrid. Based on my day to day travel, the 40mile electric driving it offers, I am using 100% electric.


What’s your favourite thing about driving an EV?

The immediate speed! Its rather fun to have immediate acceleration. The costs of my weekly driving has dropped massively, and the environmental impact.

"Thanks to the GeniePoint charger being installed at my local Morrisons, I have been able to make the jump!"
— Amanda

What's your most important EV etiquette tip?

To park sensibly in the spots (not go over the next spot) to ensure others can easily access the other cables on the charge point.


What do you typically do whilst charging, when you charge on the go?

Thanks to the GeniePoint charger being installed at my local Morrisons, I have been able to make the jump, so now either do my shopping, or if it needs a longer charge (AC only) I walk the 7 mins home, and go and collect it after about 3-4 hours!


What’s the most productive thing you’ve done whilst waiting for a charge?

Continue working and doing a conference call

"The immediate speed!! Its rather fun to have immediate acceleration"
— Amanda

Interested in being in the driver’s seat next? Get in touch with us on Twitter @GeniePointEV to share your story!

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