In the driver's seat
With Craig Todd, GeniePoint customer
Welcome to the third post in our new series! We spend a lot of time talking to drivers about what they love most about having an EV, so we wanted to create a place to share these stories, and help spread the word about how great EVs truly are.
We reached out to our customers on social media to see whether anyone would like to feature in our next blog and the response was fantastic - thanks to everyone who decided to share their story.
For this post, we spoke to Craig Todd. Craig lives in Aylesbury, near Buckinghamshire and is a News and Media Officer.
What EV do you drive and how long have you had it?
I drive a fabulous Kia Soul EV 2021, which I’ve had for just over a year.
Were there any pre-conceptions you had before you bought your EV, and how do you feel about that now?
I’d been interested in getting an EV for at least a decade, but the cars always seemed too expensive and the charging network seemed inadequate.
However, thanks to the Salary Sacrifice Scheme offered by my employer, I’ve been able to lease my car at an affordable monthly price.
I’ve also seen the impressive growth in the public charging network over the last few years and months, which has definitely helped improve my charging experience. (I have no home charger, so I rely 100% on public chargers).
What’s your favourite thing about driving an EV?
I could name several things! But I would say the best thing is the driving experience. It’s quiet, quick and super smooth.
Once you’ve driven an EV for some time, it’s hard to imagine ever going back to a petrol or diesel car.
What's your most important EV etiquette tip?
Always make sure you move your EV from a public charging point once your charge is complete.
There’s nothing worse than driving to a charging point to find it blocked by a car that has already reached its charging limit.
What do you typically do whilst charging, when you charge on the go?
You’ll hardly ever find me sitting in my car while charging as I like to make the most of my time!
Typically, while charging, this involves walking my dog in a country park, going for lunch or perhaps doing some shopping in a supermarket.
What’s the most productive thing you’ve done whilst waiting for a charge?
I do a fair amount of freelance writing, so occasionally I’ve plugged my car into charge outside somewhere like Starbucks and then got to work writing a blog/article while enjoying a delicious latte.
Interested in being in the driver’s seat next? Get in touch with us on Twitter @GeniePointEV to share your story!